April 14, 2005


Yeah, so this is the official website. Technically everthing is in the process of getting set straight. As for everything else I will try to set it straight right now.
#1 I am NOT on the Living Legends Classic Tour. I apologize to those I have disappointed but I will see you all sooner than later. I needed this time off the road to ensure that everything I worked so hard on last year makes it to y'all in a timely and efficient manner. Which brings us to #2 the 3MG album(Eligh, Scarub and myself) IS complete. It is 18 tracks long and titled "Grand Caravan To The Rim Of The World". The release date is June 14th. There you have it, get excited. #3 I recently finished shooting a short film based on the 3:16 album. It's called "Walk Like A Man" and will be released on June 28th through Legendary Music in a double disc CD/DVD package. The DVD will include the short film, a behind the scenes featurette, my personal audio commentary, and every Murs video ever made. The CD/soundtrack will feature new EXCLUSIVE tracks from Atmosphere, Brother Ali, Blueprint, I Self Divine. It will also have the Hustle remix which features John Cena(WWE World Champion), Chingo Bling(El Primero Ghetto Vaquero), and E-40(the Ballitician). #4 "When is the next Felt coming out?" to answer the question I've been asked more than anything over the past 2 years. FELT 2 will be out July 12th. It is finished. It is totally produced by ANT(of Atmosphere). It will be released on Rhymesayers. And has also been made into a comic book by Jim Mahfood and will be released in the later half of May. Visit www.40ozcomics.com for a peek at the cover and more info. NO I will not tell you to whom this one is a tribute to. GREAT this is what I've been up to lately. Since I don't have a manager, facilitating these projects has been taking up the majority of my time. So I hope you excuse my absence from the scene. There is more on the way but I'll let you guys wrap yourselves around this stuff first and then we'll talk about what's up for later in the year. PEACE OUT.

Posted by Murs at 09:20 PM | Comments (0)